
Why use AddSecure Smart Grids to digitize your power grid?

Is your power grid still an analogous relic in a digital world? Choosing the right way forward doesn’t have to be challenging.

Whether you’ve already decided to upgrade your power grid, or if you’re waiting until it’s inevitable, it’s going digital at one point or another. Of course, this is not a decision to be taken lightly, as the grid probably spans a pretty vast geographical area, which necessitates a pretty serious investment.

However – our Smart Grids solution is designed to make installation as painless and affordable as possible, while sacrificing nothing in the way of functionality or security. Let’s break down how it works.

Packaged solutions

Through our experience digitizing power grids, we’ve learned most grid owners prize simplicity. That’s why we’ve put together a complete solution for direct installations in the grid. We’ve collected communications- and RTU units, batteries, antennas, ventilation – every necessary device into easy-to-install modules. This means you can expect no more than 10 minutes from installation until everything’s up and running in your SCADA system. If you want to add any third party products, that’s also perfectly within limits.

We take full responsibility for the project as a whole, guiding you all the way and collecting everything in the easy-to-use AddSecure Link Manager portal.

The software

A huge part of the new digital power grids is the increased tracking and overview, allowing you to monitor everything that’s happening, and reducing downtime to a minimum. AddSecure Link is created as a simple portal to the Internet of Things, allowing full control with barely any technical expertise at all. Here you can keep track of who has access, order SIM cards, and ordering devices into the same or separate networks you can create with the click of a button.

AddSecure Link is built to interact perfectly with Smart Grid Detector, which detects anomalies and errors immediately, reducing your SAIDI and SAIFI times by a significant amount. These can often be fixed directly from the digital interface, without anyone having to travel to the actual place the error has occurred.


Of course, security is the main concern for many reluctant grid owners, fearing that putting the grid online will open it up to hijacking by hackers and malicious software. This is where AddSecure’s expertise comes in. Every network, device and user is hidden behind highly encrypted Virtual Private Networks, rendering it all completely invisible to the internet as a whole. Solid identification measures also stop attempts at man-in-the-middle attacks dead in their tracks. You’ll always know exactly who is online and may easily revoke access from people who no longer need it.

Transparent and no lock-in

As our smart grid solution comes as a full package (albeit customizable according to your needs), there are no hidden costs. The pricing is fully transparent, and you may also change suppliers at any time if you so choose. We supply friendly and immediate support, as well as a clever roaming solution (currently only available in Sweden) so your devices can choose whatever mobile network provider that has the strongest signal at a certain time.

In short, you get the easiest and most cost-effective way to upgrade your grid.

Infographic: Smart Grids

What is a smart grid and what separates it from the traditional grid?

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