Packing & Transportation of Refrigerated Medical Products
A summary of MHRA and EU GDP guidelines.

What you will learn in this summary:
Requirements around packing of refrigerated medical products
Requirements around temperature monitoring, data recording, and probe calibration
Requirements around deliveries
Requirements around Quality Risk Management
Requirements around the use of Third Party couriers

Don’t risk hefty fines or even your license
Over the last few years, the Government has put significant effort into encouraging high-quality standards in the transportation and distribution of medical products. Two documents, from the MHRA and the EU, provide rules and guidance in this area: the Green Guide and the EU GD Guidelines. Download the summary to find out whether your fleet is compliant, as well as which areas you might need to focus on next.
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Don’t risk hefty fines or even your license
Over the last few years, the Government has put significant effort into encouraging high-quality standards in the transportation and distribution of medical products.
Two documents, from the MHRA and the EU, provide rules and guidance in this area: the Green Guide and the EU GDP Guidelines.
Download the summary to find out whether your fleet is compliant, as well as which areas you might need to focus on next.